Cover Reveal for Countless Hues of Crimson: A Scandalous New Adventure in the Ministry of Peculiar Occurrences

So it has come to this point in the Ministry adventures.

The cover reveal for the story our journalists never expected to write. However, their Kickstarter backers pushed them up to the level where they said they would write it, so they’re going to have fun with it, by Jove.

If you remember from The Diamond Conspiracy, Countless Hues of Crimson was the novel which contained standing orders for the Ministry agents. By using a cardan grille they were able to retrieve their instructions while in the field.

Our Kickstarter backers will be getting the ebook containing the orders, but the unmarked version will be available out in the wild, just as Eliza and Wellington would have seen when they plucked it from the bookshelf.

Countless Hues of Crimson will be the story of a impoverished but aristocratic young woman who falls into a dark relationship with a wealthy pineapple grower. It will be quite a different tone from normal Ministry Books, and marked erotic…but also humourous. We’ll have to see how it turns out in December- preorder available in the coming months.

So here is the delightful—if somewhat scandalous cover for Countless Hues of Crimson.

Models: Verena Vorsatz and Lauren Harris
Photography: Go ForWard Photography
Make-up Artist:Tamara Barnett of Tennille Makeup Artistry
Cover Design: Designed by Starla

Countless Hues of Crimson

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